What are we looking for?


The judges are looking for exciting acts that will wow the audience. Secular songs are fine as long as they are appropriate. Look for things that are funny, entertaining, and powerful. We don’t want a show full of slow vocal solos! Be creative and think out of the box!

Things to Keep in Mind


The performance on your submitted video needs to be just like what your act would be on stage. Don’t plan to add or subtract things when you do it on stage. Plan your costumes with modesty in mind. As you’re planning, always remember that we are looking at the entertainment value in what you are doing: will it wow the crowd, with they enjoy it, will they get into it! Think about involving the crowd!

Deadline for Video Submission is Monday, June 24, 2024! There will be no late submissions accepted.

The Process

  1. Develop your ideas. Find something fun, fast-paced, and entertaining. Look for things that will wow our audience. Don’t forget that you can uses secular material as long as it is appropriate for PraiseWorks.
  2. Plan your act. Think about costuming, instrumentation, participants, and other aspects. Remember that the video must match the final performance on stage!
  3. Rehearse your act!
  4. Video your performance. You can use a camera or just the camera on your phone. Make sure we can see and hear everything!
  5. Upload your video to  OR DropBox OR Google Drive no later than Monday, June 24, 2024. If you don’t know how to do this, click HERE and we’ll give you instructions.
  6. Copy the link to your video.
  7. Complete the PW Audition Form by clicking the button at the bottom of this page. There is a place in the form to paste your video link.
  8. If you have questions, please let us know using the contact form at the bottom of this page!

2024 Audition Guidelines

As you are planning and practicing for your video submission, please note the following Guidelines. To participate in the Talent Show, all acts must conform to the following:

  1. All auditions for the Talent Show this year must be submitted via OR DropBox OR Google Drive link to this website. Deadline for submission is June 24, 2024. No submissions after Monday, June 24, 2024 will be accepted. There will be no auditions during the week of camp.
  2. The content of the video must match the content of the act that will be presented onstage–including costumes, music selection, instrumentation, or any other element. If you have performed this act in another venue (e.g. school talent show, church), you are permitted to use that video, but please include the time and place of the performance.
  3. Audition results will be via email by Saturday, July 6, 2024.
  4. Rehearsal Schedules will be sent with the audition results. Rehearsals are mandatory for participation in the shows. If an act fails to attend their rehearsal, that act will be pulled from the show.
  5. Dress Code: the dress code for the Talent Show must conform to the dress code for all of PraiseWorks. If you can’t wear it during the day, you shouldn’t wear it for the Talent Show. If your dress is inappropriate, you will be informed by the judging panel before camp and changes will need to be made in order to appear in the show. The decision of the judging panel will be final in matters of dress.
  6. Dress Code for Dancers: due to the need for freedom of movement, the dress code may be slightly relaxed for dancers. However, modesty is a necessity. Wear clothing that does not allow the midriff to show. Wear shirts/tops that do not have a low neck. If wearing a leotard, wear it with tights and a skirt. Do not wear dance shorts or anything that reveals undergarments of any kind. If your dress is inappropriate, you will be informed by the judging panel before camp and changes will need to be made in order to appear in the show. The decision of the judging panel will be final in matters of dress.
  7. It is our goal to produce a Talent Show that is entertaining and enjoyable. As you are pondering what you might want to do, please think about what would be entertaining for the audience. The judges will be looking for fast-paced, entertaining acts that will wow our audiences. Please note that secular songs and material can be used for the Talent Shows, just make sure that the content is appropriate for PraiseWorks.

PraiseWorks Audition Form

You’ve prepared, practiced, and videoed your performance. Now it’s time to submit it. Click the button below to go to the PraiseWorks Talent Show Audition Form, complete the form, add your  OR DropBox OR Google Drive link and you’re all set!

Need Help?

Just contact us using this form!

This form is currently closed for submissions.